Monday, June 7, 2010

Trashed and Scattered

Dear fake motherfucker with nothing better to do with his life,

I hope you’re happy with yourself, pretending to be someone you’re not and making so many loyal fans believe that you were the ones we idolize. How dare you do this to us! You used our love and die hard loyalty for Avenged Sevenfold for your own twisted pleasure and left us all feeling raped.

Yes, raped.

I should have known that contest was too good to be true. I should have known that Syn Gates would not randomly contact me because of a silly status update, no matter what it said. I should have known that Brian Senior wouldn’t lie to us.

You used my gullibility and my love for Avenged Sevenfold against me and you tricked me into thinking that I was being rewarded for my dedication.

Shame on you.

Shame on me for falling for it.

I wanted so badly to believe that those fucking profiles were real, contest or not, and I went so far as to bash other fans for not believing in them just to prove myself to someone who isn’t who they say they are. I feel horrible for doing that. It’s because of you that I acted that way. I treated members of my A7X family like dirt and now I’m paying for it with guilt. Thanks, asshole.

I am ashamed of myself, but I will pull through this. After all of the crap I’ve dealt with not only recently, but my entire life, this will be a piece of fucking cake.

If your goal was to publicly humiliate over thousands of fans and the guys themselves, then congratulations, you’ve succeeded. I hope you rot in hell for this, you prick. I hope the guys find you and sue the shit out of you because what you did could be considered identity theft and I know for damn sure it’s a serious case of stalking.

I hope you get stopped by a real fan one day and have the living crap kicked out of you because you fooled them and you hurt them with your lies.

I hope the people you had by your side to help you with this scam get the same fucking treatment you do. You all deserve it.

If A7X hears the extent of the shit you pulled, and I hope they do, I hope they publicly humiliate YOU so you can see how it fucking feels. You shouldn’t call yourself a fan, because you’re not. You’re nothing more than a fucking stalker hell bent on ruining people’s lives. You and your friends have all shit on Avenged Sevenfold and their fans and there’s gonna be hell to pay. We don’t take this shit lightly. You don’t fuck with A7X and you don’t fuck with A7X family.

And you really shouldn’t try to play innocent when confronted. We all know it was you. We have the fucking proof and I hope Facebook actually does something about you and people like you who make these fake profiles and feed off of the fans’ love that isn’t for you.

I don’t want to know why you did it or how you managed to get away with it for so long and I don’t want to know how you got a hold of the information and pictures and things that you did, I just want you to pay for this and pay fucking dearly. I want you to suffer the agony of trusting something with your whole heart and having it turn out to be a fucking lie. Death would be too good for you. You should be made to suffer at the hands of those of us you hurt, including A7X and their wives/girlfriends.

It sickens me that you went so far as to make profiles for the girls. Did you think it would make the others more believable? And that bullshit about Matt and Avril Lavigne, that was smart. I hope Matt finds you and kicks your ass for that. You caused a lot of drama and you deserve to be fucking punished for it in the worst way.

I kick myself for seeing the signs of a fake and not going with my gut. I just wanted to have something to believe in and you’ve taken my ability to trust anyone and you’ve shattered it in a million pieces. I fucking hate you for this.

Fuck you.

That’s all I have left to say is a big, fat FUCK YOU.

I’m done wasting my breath and my time on you. You’ll get what’s coming to you and when you do, I’m going to laugh and cheer with the rest of them.

I’ll see you in hell, asshole.

FoREVer hating you,

Cali B. Diamond (Dayna Ravanelli)

1 comment:

  1. Well said....I remember reading about a stalker that Chester B dealt with only that chick would call him and just made his life hell. So as shitty as what this guy did, at least it didn't progress into something more.
